What is Object Spy? How to use it?

The Object Spy feature enables you to view the properties and their current values as
well as methods associated with an object. Object Spy also enables you to view the
syntax for a selected method.



  1. On the QuickTest Professional toolbar, click OBJECT SPY.
  2. Select TOOLS → OBJECT SPY.

To view the run-time properties of an object using the Object Spy:

1. On the QuickTest Professional toolbar, click OBJECT SPY. The OBJECT SPY dialog
box appears.
Note: Alternatively, select TOOLS → OBJECT SPY.
2. In the OBJECT SPY dialog box, click the pointing hand button.
3. With the pointing hand, click on the desired object in the AUT.
4. In the OBJECT SPY dialog box, click the PROPERTIES tab to view the properties of
the selected object.

Imp Note:

  • Test object properties of the actual object are available for all types of objects. This is what you always see in the
    Object Repository. The list shows values when the object was learned.
  • Run-time properties are available for Web, ActiveX, .Net, and Java objects. These may be different from the test
    object properties because object properties change during run-time.