Become a Software Testing Expert-Video by Google Manager

Many People think that they know testing and they are good test engineers But do you belive that you don’t know so many things in testing?

With so many new mechanisms to learn and interact with the experts in our field, Testing Jobs Guide takes it opportunity to deliver video lectures of some of the experts in the field of software testing from various sources and present it to you for consuming at your own pace. TestingJobsGuide will also give you some information on what should be expected in these videos, so you can view videos of your interest. You are welcome to suggest new videos that have come across on Internet.
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Happy Learning.
James Bach - Becoming a Software Testing Expert:
In this video, James Bach talks about the secretes of becoming software testing expert. It gives you information on what makes you testing expert ? He also talks about why it is important to question and even questioning the base of questions. His famous definition of perfect testing " Testing is the infinite process of comparing the invisible to the ambiguous so as to avoid the unthinkable happening to the anonymous " is also explained in this video.

How many types of testing you know? 10 or 20 NO there are 40 types of testing >>

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